Evan Curtin

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Focus on What Matters with ML on Argo

I’ve been using Argo at work to create a machine learning pipeline that goes through all the steps to train a model from start to finish in a fully automated fashion. This has been an incredible learning experience for me as a data scientist / ML engineer, so I thought I spend my Saturday afternoon with a coffee and spewing my thoughts, successes and failures in using this approach.


Modern Py for Sci Part 1

Modern techniques for scientific computing and data science (1/n) If you’re anything like me, you’ve picked up some python programming in order to solve a problem or maybe as part of a class in computing. Many of us picked up this langauge as a means to an end and started learning via google and stack overflow. When learning like this, it’s easy to miss some of the new devlopments in the python landscape.


Abstract linear algebra in Python

Lately I’ve been playing around with the anasazi library. It’s basically a library that implements algorithms to solve eigenvalue problems that are all completely unaware of the underling data structures. The way this is done is by implementing the algorithms in terms of an interface. Basically, this interface is a contract between whoever wrote the library, and whoever is using it. It’s a formal way for the library writer to say “If you give me an object that implements x, and y, this library will do Z with that object.

Use Numba for fast integrals

Here’s a quick tip to make your integrals super fast in python. Suppose you wanted to integrate a function in 3D. We can start by import nquad from scipy and defining our function. from scipy.integrate import nquad from math import sqrt, exp, sin, cos def f(x, y, z): return sin(cos(sqrt(exp(x)**2 + exp(y)**2 + exp(z)**2))) nquad makes it super easy to integrate a function in any number of dimensions, lets see:


What is a molecule?

I recently replied to an reddit /r/askscience post that got me overthinking about something so simple, I just had to write a post about it. The main crux of the issue is simple. At a base level, what is a molecule? As I’ll show you now, a rigorous definition is a bit tricky. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry is basically the chemical naming authority. Here’s IUPAC’s definition of molecule:


The Scientific computing toolkit for Python

Getting Started This presentation is no help if you can’t get the python packages it uses! There are a few options here. If you’re not already set up, probably the easiest way to install python packages is pip. If you don’t already have it, here are installation instructions. I’m a big fan of the anaconda python distrubution, which comes pre-loaded with basically everything I’m using today. Just use whatever works for you.